Turkey Hunting: Hunt record book Rios and Merriams on our property, bordering the scenic North Loup River. We furnish guides, stands, lodging at the Deadwood Trail Hunting Hideout, and home-cooked meals. We take the extra step to make your stay an enjoyable, memorable experience.

Pricing and Packages:
- Semi-guided Fall/Spring Turkey 2025 Shotgun/Archery Packages: $1,250/bird, $60/day lodging. A guide can be added at $250 per day.

Amenities: In your spare time/break time, we offer varmint and upland game hunting, in season, as part of your hunting package. Hunt pheasant, quail, prairie chicken, rabbit, squirrel, prairie dogs and varmints such as raccoon, coyote and bobcat. Bobcat hunting requires a furbearers license and is a winter season.